Entries by Mikaela Judd

Vancouver Island Weekend Escape to Chateau Victoria

In the early 1840s, James Douglas, known as the Father of British Columbia, described his first visit to Victoria, “The place itself appears a perfect ‘Eden,’ in the midst of the dreary wilderness of the North West Coast…one might be pardoned for supposing it had dropped from the clouds into its present position.” Douglas would […]

Meet Air Shop Foreman, Jimmy Delagardelle

It’s unlikely you’ve ever met Jimmy Delagardelle, but as the Shop Foreman at Air he plays an integral role in keeping the Maintenance Department running smoothly. “My job is to help the flow of operations in any way I can,” explains Jimmy. 

Sean Forest Roberts, Ceramic Artist & Owner of Forest Ceramic Co.

Originally from Madison, Wisconsin, Sean Forest Roberts fell in love with making functional wares in high school. But he didn’t set out to become a professional potter. In fact, he did organic chemistry research while earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from Carleton College in Minnesota. Today, his wildly popular poured ceramic pieces are shipped […]

Summer Weekend Getaway Guide: Victoria B.C.

Victoria is just 25 miles from Port Angeles, the closest American shore. That’s 25 miles closer to America than its Canadian mainland. But the quaint British Columbia capital feels worlds away from the hustle and bustle of US city life thanks to its walkable streets, historic architecture, and generally upbeat culture.  Like its residents, its […]

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2 Days in Roche Harbor

You don’t have to be a boat lover to enjoy this boater’s paradise. Roche Harbor’s richly preserved history offers nineteenth-century clapboard buildings, old gardens, and incredible sunsets – all perfect for relaxing. Enjoy local seafood, some of the best doughnuts in the Pacific Northwest, and views of the surrounding mountains.  Whether you arrive by boat […]